Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Music therapy books

Music theraphy has been praticed for decades as a way to treat neurological conditions from Parkinsons to Alzheimers to anxiety and depression here are some book covers.

Musicophilia Tales of Music and the Brain by Oliver Sacks

Music can move us to heights or depths of emotion. It can persuade us to buy something or remind us of our first date.It can lift us out of depression when nothing else can. It can get us dancing. But the power of music goes much, much further .Indeed, music occupies more areas of our brain than language does - humans are musical species.
Oliver Sacks compassionate, compelling tales of people struggling to adapt to differant neurological conditions have fundamentally changed the way we think of our brains, and of human experience of patients, musicians, and everyday people- from a man who is struck by lightning and suddenly inspired to become a pianist at the age of forty- two, to an entire group of children with Wiliams synrome who are hypemuscical from birth.
Our exquisite sensititvity to music can sometimes go wrong.Sacks explores how catchy tunes can subject us to hours of mental replay, and how a suprising number of people acquire non-stop  musical hallucinaions.
Yet far more frequently, music goes right : it can animate people with Parkinsons disease who cannot otherwise move give words to stroke patients who cannot otherwise speak, and calm and organize people whose memories are ravaged by Alzheimers or amnesia.
Here are the two book covers for musicopilia
Mind map of Musicophilia book


Monday, February 7, 2011

Water is life poster

This is my poster for the water is life campaign for Typographic skills

Chimera in a bag

 Here is finished Chimera after bringing into  photoshop to finish and using the leaf as background  I am happy with the result but do feel it is quite dark (but I did want to give it the folk art feel)

I created another montage using the green pencil case as a back ground this is the opposite to the top it is bright

Documenting Process for Chimera in a bag

After doing all my research I decided to construct my chimera using thread so I drew all my shapes out and copied onto cloth
I decided I would sew these with my sewing machine
Heres the sewed pieces

I was happy with the sewed pieces but found it very hard to get something with it in photoshop
so I decided to sew a head with my circle shapes  
This didnt work either and tried sewing this a few times in differant ways. I felt it was missing the objects, so I decided to use the head idea but put all the objects on top of the head and make the objects a head piece

I traced it on to a piece of cloth and sewn the shapes individual on the machine and here is the finished piece
I will now put this into photoshop and will try and use the leaf background and green pencilcase