Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hand written type on bookcovers

I like the way the type is spun around the unravelling of the stiching on a baseball
(designer; Lynn Buckley)
handlettering i love the colours of this book (designer Neill Powell)
a name sracthed into a desk ,works well (designer;Jan Hendricx) 

Bookcovers and images

Bookcovers and braintextures I fond interesting to go with brief

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Type as an image

These are images I found on internet

Artist Resarch

David Musgave  "Transparent Head"
Chris Burden "Medusa Head"
                                                     Peter Linde Busk "mandressed"

Zhoufan is a chinesse artist

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Artist Research "Ellen Gallaher"

Ellen Gallagher is an American artist who lives and works in New York and Rotterdam she is a fine artist and illustrator. Repetition and revision are central to Gallagher treatment of advertisements and she appropriates from popular magazines like "Ebony" , "Our World" and "Sepia" .

Artist research Constance Jacobson

Constance Jacobson is an American artist and print maker, the following pictures are from her current work  Above the neck it is a study of  the brain stutcure and functions to create memories and states of mind consicousness it reflects fear of dementia the death before death and our watery connection to marine species in an increasingnly human threatened natural world